Safran Electronics & Defense takes up the challenge!

Logistics performance is a core component of the overall efficiency of the MRO process, throughout the system life cycle. Guaranteeing optimal efficiency in logistics is essential to meet the needs of our customers, especially in terms of the Turn Around Time (TAT) global loop.

Towards optimal MRO process management

Offering each customer effective and suitable support and services requires us to be able to deliver the right support at the right location, at the right time and at the right price. This is what the PBL (Performance Based Logistics) business line approach addresses.

The era of storing masses of replacement parts and the associated resources to enable their maximum availability has come to an end. Today, performance requirements are defined by the delivery of efficiency suited precisely to operational requirements: avoid doing too little, but don’t do too much either. In other words, do the right amount.

Safran Electronics & Defense updates its service offering

Safran Electronics & Defense teams are now able to design then jointly deliver customized services to each customer to match their specific requirements and environments.

The advantage for our customers? Using contractual conditions on the transfer of liability, they entrust Safran Electronics & Defense with the logistics and industrial management of their MRO process, so they can focus on the essential points of their business operations.

It happens that our teams are perfectly competent and qualified to meet these needs: in addition to historical, leading-edge knowledge of the equipment itself, we can depend on the high added value of our simulation systems to meet the specific requirements of each customer.

And beyond the logistics and financial questions, this new manner of approaching the MRO process is fully in line with our low carbon commitments. It matches the carbon emissions inherent to maintenance activities with actual requirements expressed by customers, with no waste.

In short, we have all the aces in hand to deliver efficient support to our customers and their fleets at the best possible price.

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