Information Statement on the protection of personal data

Safran Electronics & Defense has installed functionality on its Site that leads to the processing of personal data.

This information statement on the protection of personal data indicates how Safran Electronics & Defense process the personal data of people who subscribe to this service.

1. Definitions

Personal data: any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (hereinafter referred to as the “data subject”)

SAFRAN: Safran Electronics & Defense and its subsidiaries

Website: refers to the portal used in the context of Customer activity

User: refers to any natural person, working for a company, legal entity, client of one of the SAFRAN Group companies and using the Website

2. Introduction

For the sake of transparency and in accordance with the applicable regulations on the protection of personal data, we wish to inform you about the personal data we collect concerning you, why we use it, whom we share it with, how long we store it, what your rights are and how to exercise them.

As updates become available, new uses or new applications are added, this notice will be updated.

3. Processing of Personal Data

Several Personal Data processing operations are carried out. These processes deal with Personal Data such as identification (for example, surname, first name, email address, etc.), professional (for example, contact information), information related to your digital activities (for example, IP address, browsing activity …) and your Customer activity.

SAFRAN has implemented processing aimed at monitoring the activity of the Customers listed below:

  • Manage general or technical customer questions (customer contact and registration form)
  • Send technical documentation and price catalogs to all Customers
  • Do e-commerce
  • Distribute Newsletters.
    • Legal basis for processing: Legitimate interest: SAFRAN has implemented processing aimed at communicating clearly with you and understanding your needs and expectations.
    • Personal Data: Identification data provided by data subjects. Connection data from the Website. Professional data provided by data subjects and data related to requests and customer activities.
    • Retention periods: five years from the last contact from the data subject or from the end of the contract concluded or at legal expiry.
    • Recipients: Authorised staff of SAFRAN. Provider in charge of the database and Website and Authentication provider.

Safran has installed functionality in order to protect the personal data of the persons concerned, to protect its information system and to comply with its legal obligations.

  • Securing the information system and the confidentiality of personal data
    • Legal basis for processing: Legitimate interest: SAFRAN has implemented appropriate security and confidentiality measures to protect personal data against any loss, alteration or disclosure to unauthorized third parties. Its procedures comply with current best practice and are regularly updated.
    • Data collected: connection logs, cookies and IP address
    • Retention period: 1 year
    • Recipients: administrators and the IT security team.
  • Gestion du respect des obligations légales, des obligations de due diligence incombant à SAFRAN et de la protection des personnels, des droits de SAFRAN et ceux des autres ainsi que des biens et des informations
    • Legal basis for processing: Legitimate interest: Safran has installed functionality in order to ensure its compliance with international regulation, to defend its interests in a court of law or before an arbitrator, to manage the companies’ general operational activities, and to protect its staff, its assets and its information. Due diligence work carried out during negotiations for the sale or purchase of a company may involve sending personal data to the potential buyer or seller.
    • Data: any data necessary for the operation
    • Retention period: Data used in this regard is retained until the end of the operation concerned.
    • Recipients: persons authorized according to the operation.

4. Information about the personal data collected

Personal data may be collected directly from the data subject by taking it from the form they complete or indirectly by taking it from his/her terminal.

The list of personal data collected may change in order to enable SAFRAN to comply with local regulations.

Information fields marked with an asterisk or marked as mandatory must be completed in order to create the account. If the data subject wishes his/her data to be deleted, they will no longer receive news emails, press releases or newsletters. Any bookings he/she has will be canceled.

Personal data cannot be reused for purposes that are incompatible with the initial purposes.

Under no circumstances does Safran sell or transfer personal data to third parties for marketing or publicity purposes.

5. Users’ responsibility for the content posted and/or published

Each data subject is responsible for the content he/she publishes and the actions he/she takes: no anonymous content is possible. The content posted or published must comply with the applicable regulations on the protection of Personal Data and respect for privacy.

Contributions shall be of a strictly professional nature and may not deal with personal matters such as politics, religion or the morals of a person. They shall not contain any offensive or defamatory material.

6. Transfers outside the European Union

Personal Data is transferred to SAFRAN Customer support teams located outside the European Economic Area; in the United States, Singapore, Canada, Brazil and the Arab Emirates. These data transfers are governed by a binding legal instrument governing this type of transfer such as the internal corporate rules (“Binding Corporates Rules”) of the SAFRAN Group or by the standard contractual clauses of the SAFRAN service provider. Note that the connection logs to the Website are not transferred.

7. Cookies

A cookie is a file that the visited site stores on the computer or on any peripheral used to browse the Internet, in order, for instance, to send session information for each page, or to record that a particular page has been accessed. The aim is to optimize browsing in terms of its convenience, efficiency and pertinence.

The information is stored in the cookie for a limited time. It is anonymous and relates to the pages visited and the time spent on each, the means used for browsing (operating system, browser and resolution, etc.), the searches made, and the IP address, in order to make rough groupings by geographical area etc.

For those affected, a module for managing cookie storage is available on the Website.

To know more:

8. Statement

In order to process someone’s personal data, he/she must agree to this Information Statement on personal data by ticking the box on the form used to create the account or the contact form.

The person concerned undertakes to provide complete, accurate and legitimate information in the form.

Please do not create an account before you have read and understood this Statement.

9. Rights of the data subject

Users have rights over their Personal Data.

– Right of access: each User may obtain confirmation as to whether or not his/her Personal Data are processed by SAFRAN and may request a copy;
– Right of rectification: each User may request the modification of Personal Data concerning him/her that is inaccurate or obsolete;
– Right of deletion: in certain cases, a User may request the deletion of his/her Personal Data when it is no longer necessary for one of the purposes mentioned above;
– Right of limitation: each User may request a temporary freeze on the use of his/her Personal Data when he/she disputes the accuracy of the data or when he/she objects to the processing;
– Right of portability: each User can request a copy of his/her Personal Data in an intelligible and commonly structured way to transfer it to another company;
– Right of opposition: in certain cases listed in the regulations, a User may ask SAFRAN to no longer process his/her Personal Data.

The aforementioned rights are not absolute. They may be limited due to legal obligations to which SAFRAN may be subject or in the event of an interest strictly necessary to achieve its objectives.

Users may exercise these rights by contacting Data Protection Officer (DPO) at:

[email protected]
– 2 boulevard du Général Martial Valin, 75015 PARIS.

If there is any doubt as to the identity of the data subjects, SAFRAN reserves the right to request a copy of a proof of identity.

In the event of no response or an unsatisfactory response, data subjects may file a complaint with a personal data supervisory authority.

For France, go to the Website:

10. Modification of the personal data protection information statement

Safran may change this Statement in order to remain compliant with the practices adopted and with the regulation relating to the protection of personal data. The data subject will be informed of substantial changes.


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